Monthly Index
May 28, 2006

There are times when all the stars seem to be aligned and everything just works in harmony. With surprises at each street corner, friendly people to chat with and lots of good food, the trip to Seattle certainly was one of those moments. My boss should think twice before sending me to the annual conference... one day we might actually stay there!
Bay To Breaker '06
May 21, 2006
Bay To Breaker '06 (May 21, 2006)
We have participated to the race for three years in a row and every time we are amazed by the creativity and energy all the people are putting into this event. What pushes all the participants to get up at six o'clock in the morning on a cloudy Sunday morning, to put on crazy outfits and to run through the downtown for 7.46 miles?We couldn’t verify this for sure but we strongly suspect that some of the motivations may include naked buts, jelloshots, beer, tortillas, running salmons and much more!!!
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